For over forty years Drumschool Cleuver, located in the beautiful area of Scheveningen, near to the famous Kurhaus and beach, has been an authority on drum teaching in the Netherlands. Drumschool Cleuver aims at passing on competence, expertise and knowledge on drums, percussion and rhythm, music styles, music theory and most importantly, love of music. Drumschool Cleuver offers inspirational one-on-one drum lessons to students of all ages and levels, attuned to your needs, musical interests and at your pace.
Drumschool Cleuver, founded in 1982 by Hans Cleuver (8 mei 1947 - † 4 maart 2018), former drummer of the famous Dutch group Focus, has grown into a well known and distinguished institution with a high reputation in the Benelux. Dutch top drummers, like Oscar Kraal (Anouk) and Jamie Westland (DI-RECT) and Belgian top drummer Mario Goossens (Trigger Finger) received drum lessons at Drumschool Cleuver.
Since 2009 Richard Moelker, holding a Master's degree in Musicology, University of Utrecht, has been the owner and managing director of the school.
The Hague is an international oriented city with an active expat community. Lots of expats found their way to Drumschool Cleuver. We teach children from the French, the German, the British and the International school.
The primary language of instruction is Dutch, English and German.
Drumschool Cleuver is open seven days a week from 9.00 AM till 11.00 PM.
The duration of a drum lesson is 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes.
Drum class on regular basis (termination, period of notice: 2 months)
Pupils under 21 years of age (converted to a year):
€ 170,00 per month based on 34 or 17 drum classes per year, respectively of 60 or 120 minutes.
€ 127,50 per month based on 34 or 17 drum classes per year, respectively of 45 or 90 minutes.
€ 85,00 per month based on 34 or 17 drum classes per year, respectively of 30 or 60 minutes.
Costs of regular lessons converted to one single lesson of 30 minutes is € 30,00.
10 Lesson card
€ 320,00 based on 10 drum classes of 30 minutes (or 5 lessons of 60 minutes).
One single drum class: € 35,00 per 30 minutes.
Drum class on regular basis
Adult over 21 years of age 21% VAT included * (converted to a year):
€ 204,00 per month based on 34 or 17 drum classes per year, respectively of 60 or 120 minutes.
€ 153,00 per month based on 34 or 17 drum classes per year, respectively of 45 or 90 minutes.
Costs of regular lessons converted to one single lesson of 60 minutes is € 72,00 21% VAT included.
5 Lesson card
€ 387,00 based on 5 drum classes of 60 minutes (or 10 lessons of 30 minutes).
One single drum class: € 84,00 per 60 minutes 21% VAT included.
* For students over 21 years 21% VAT is added.